韩国首尔棒棒糖别墅韩国首尔有一栋棒棒糖别墅,可爱极了。首尔事务所Moon Hoon最近完成了“棒棒糖住宅”项目,这是一座位于韩国器兴区的独栋别墅。为了给小孩营造一个糖果般的房子,建筑师用粉色和白色条纹来装饰分段的不规则圆形外立面,这座外形酷似棒棒糖的建筑内部其实包含有7层空间。一开始应业主要求,建筑师设计了一系列上升的楼梯和旋转梯,让住户能在空间中探索、穿行。后来,因预算的限制,设计者将这一概念简化成更具实用性的跳层结构,
South Korea lollipop house Seoul, South Korea has a lollipop villa, very cute. Moon Hoon, a Seoul-based firm recently completed the “Lollipop House” project, a detached house in Korea’s Hing Hing district. To create a candy-filled house for children, architects decorate the segmented, irregularly-shaped circular façade with pink and white stripes. The interior of a lollipop-shaped building actually contains seven layers of space. Initially, at the request of the owner, the architect designed a series of ascending staircases and rotating ladders to allow occupants to explore and walk in space. Later, due to budget constraints, designers reduced this concept to a more practical layer structure,