同志们! 文字改革——我们这里说的是汉字改革——是我们国家的一个重大问题,是一个牵涉到社会生活各方面的复杂的问题。全国语言科学家们,文字工作者们和一切文化教育工作者们,要紧密团结起来,兢兢业业,积极工作,长期努力,才能使这样一个重大问题得到根本的顺利的解决。我们这次会议的任务还不是从根本上改革汉字,而是在汉字改革的正确方针之下,首先解决两个迫切的具体问题,这就是简化汉字和推广以北京语音为标准音的普通话——汉民族共同语。我想,大家都会同意,汉字在我国人民的悠久的文化历史中有过伟大的贡献,它对于我国社会生活的各方面有着深广的影响。汉族从有历史的时期起,就用
Comrades, the text reform - what we are talking about here is the reform of the Chinese characters - is a major issue in our country and a complex one that involves all aspects of social life. National language scientists, literary workers and all cultural and educational workers should unite closely, work conscientiously, work actively and make long-term efforts so that such a major issue can be fundamentally and smoothly resolved. The task of our conference is not to fundamentally reform the Chinese characters. Instead, we should first solve two urgent specific problems under the correct guideline of Chinese character reform. This is to simplify Chinese characters and to promote Putonghua with the standard pronunciations of Beijing speech - Han nationality common language. I think we all agree that Chinese characters have made great contributions in the long history of Chinese people’s culture and have a profound impact on all aspects of our social life. Han from the historic period, it is used