结石在临床上常见,但发生于扁桃体者少见。现将所见一例报道如下。患者女,54岁。就诊4天前无诱因出现右侧咽异物感,无疼痛、进食障碍。既往无反复咽痛、发热、咽异物感等病史。查体见右侧扁桃体1度大,中部有一长约1cm、直径0. 6cm灰褐色物突起,周围扁桃体组织稍凹陷,慢性充血,无溃疡、异常分泌物,探之质硬如石,表面粗糙。该物与周围扁桃体组织无粘连,用镊子顺利取出,遗留一窦道,内有少量干酪样分泌物,无渗血,该
Stones are clinically common, but rare in tonsils. Now see an example reported below. Female patient, 54 years old. No incentive to appear 4 days ago, the right side of the right pharyngeal foreign body sensation, no pain, eating disorders. Past no repeated sore throat, fever, throat foreign body sensation and other medical history. Check the body to see the right tonsil 1 degree, the central part of a length of about 1cm, diameter 0. 6cm Tau brown process, slightly depressed around the tonsil tissue, chronic congestion, no ulcers, abnormal secretions, probing hard as stone, rough surface . The material and the surrounding tonsil tissue without adhesions, with tweezers removed smoothly, leaving a sinus, there is a small amount of cheese-like secretions, no bleeding, the