一、概述 1987年11月17日~19日在民主德国马格德堡工业大学举行了第四届国际建筑机械专业会议。这是目前世界上规模最大的建筑机械领域的国际学术会议。它从1975年创办,每四年举行一次。本届会议参加者约200余人。其中150名东道国参加者,还有50余名出席者分别来自波兰、捷克、苏联、匈牙利、中国、保加利亚、约旦、越南、联邦德国和西柏林共十个国家及地区。会议共收到论文、报告约95篇,其中宣读文约80篇,收入会议论文集的论文68篇。全部论文按内容分类和作者国别可作如下附表统计。本人作为第一个中国学者,也作为荣誉
I. Overview The Fourth International Conference on Construction Machinery was held at the University of Technology Magdeburg, Democratic Republic of Germany, from November 17 to 19, 1987. This is the world’s largest international academic conference in the field of construction machinery. It was founded in 1975 and held once every four years. About 200 participants attended the conference. Among the 150 host country participants, there were more than 50 attendees from 10 countries and regions including Poland, the Czech Republic, the Soviet Union, Hungary, China, Bulgaria, Jordan, Vietnam, the Federal Republic of Germany, and West Berlin. The conference received a total of 95 papers and reports, of which about 80 papers were published and 68 papers were collected in the conference proceedings. All the papers can be counted by the following schedule according to the content classification and author country. I, as the first Chinese scholar, also honored