目的:研究生活水平指标的选择对健康公平测算结果的影响。方法:通过利用2007年国务院城镇居民基本医疗保险入户调查数据,采用集中指数的方法,选择收入和消费两个指标代表生活水平,对我国9个城市31 017个居民的健康公平状况进行分析。结果:除厦门之外,绝大多数城市采用不同的生活水平指标时,会在不同程度上影响健康公平的测算结果,其差异在99%水平上显著。结论:在开展健康公平性的相关研究时,应根据研究目的,慎重选择适当的生活水平指标。
Objective: To study the influence of the choice of living standard on the fair measurement of health. Methods: By using the data of household survey of basic medical insurance for urban residents under the State Council of China in 2007, using the method of concentration index, two indicators of income and consumption were chosen to represent the living standard, and the health equity of 31 017 residents in 9 cities in China was analyzed. Results: Except for Xiamen, when most of the cities adopted different living standards, they would affect health fairness measurement to varying degrees, with the difference being significant at the level of 99%. Conclusion: When carrying out research on health fairness, we should choose the appropriate standard of living according to the purpose of research.