胆囊收缩素(Cholecystokinin,CCK)、生长抑素(Somatostatin,SS)均系人体内广泛分布的神经肽,具有重要的生理病理意义。本文通过对57例飞行员血浆、24小时尿、晨尿中CCK、SS浓度测定与地面人员进行对照比较,旨在探讨血浆中CCK、SS与24小时尿及晨尿中含量的相关性,以及飞行环境对它们的影响。 对象和方法 一、对象:飞行员组57例,均系男性歼击机飞行员,年龄22~45岁,平均27.9岁;地勤组60例,为同一地区从事地面工作的男性,年龄23~47岁,平均30.7岁。上述两组人员均为正常健康者,均排除各种消化系统及肾脏疾病。
Cholecystokinin (CCK) and somatostatin (SS) are the most widely distributed neuropeptides in human body and have important physiological and pathological significance. In this paper, 57 cases of pilot plasma, 24-hour urine, morning urine concentration of CCK and SS were compared with the ground staff to explore the plasma CCK, SS and 24-hour urine and morning urine content of the correlation and flight The impact of the environment on them. Objects and methods A, object: Pilot group of 57 cases, all male fighter pilots, aged 22 to 45 years old, an average of 27.9 years; ground handling group of 60 cases, the same area for men in the ground work, aged 23 to 47 years, an average of 30.7 year old. The two groups of people are normal and healthy, all exclude a variety of digestive and kidney diseases.