Archeologists after 100,000 years will no longer be able to find a skyscraper today. Moisture moisture will rust away steel and weather it into dust. But they will find that our ceramics - porcelain sinks, glass jars, ceramic cutlery and flowerpots baked from the kiln - are almost never changed by the passage of time. Just as today’s scientists are, to some extent, studying the evolution of ancient civilizations that have disappeared in the past by studying the changes in ceramics in various periods of history, future archaeologists will discover in the second half of the 20th century. We have begun to replace metals with new and completely different ceramics. They may find micro-ceramic chips that run some of our pocket calculators, artificial-crystal lasers that monitor our grocery stores, and artificial sapphire that shines our sodium lamps on the road. There are also ceramic cutlery, ceramic golf clubs, tennis racquets and cutlery that never have to be polished.