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随着社会的快速发展,建筑物消防安全问题关注度越来越高。目前,在城市发展过程中,高层建筑的数量不断增加,有效提升城市形象、改善人们居住条件和缓解城市用地紧张等问题,同时也带来了很多安全隐患。研究得知,高层建筑消防安全设计依然存在一些消防安全隐患,如:建筑施工质量、消防安全管理意识等因素,部分房地产开发商在规划高层建筑过程中,设计的建筑物之间的距离过近,甚至超出了安全距离,一旦高层建筑出现火灾事故,过近的建筑物距离给消防车辆的进入救援带来了很大难度。另外,高层建筑往往人员比较密集,若不能进行科学管控,一旦出现火灾事故就会很大的人员伤亡,在威胁人们生命安全的同时还会对社会发展和经济建设造成严重影响。因此,需要采取有效的防火监督策略,才能切实提高高层建筑的消防安全性。 With the rapid development of society, building fire safety concerns are getting higher and higher. At present, in the process of urban development, the number of high-rise buildings is constantly increasing, effectively raising the image of the city, improving people’s living conditions and alleviating the shortage of urban land use. At the same time, it also poses a lot of security risks. The study shows that there are still some fire safety hazards in the design of fire safety in high-rise buildings, such as the quality of construction and awareness of fire safety management. Some real estate developers in the planning of high-rise buildings, the distance between the buildings designed too close , Even beyond the safe distance, in the event of a fire in a tall building, the distance between the buildings too close to the fire vehicles into the rescue has brought great difficulty. In addition, high-rise buildings tend to be crowded. Without scientific management and control, casualties in the event of a fire accident will be enormous, threatening the safety of people’s lives and seriously affecting social development and economic construction as well. Therefore, we must take effective fire supervision strategy in order to effectively improve the fire safety of tall buildings.