皮革化学品 (简称皮化产品 ) ,一般分为鞣剂、加脂剂、涂饰剂、专用助剂和专用染料 5大类 ,是很有发展前途的精细化工产品。皮化产品的生产地主要集中在西欧 ,品种约60 0种以上 ,仅巴斯夫就生产 5大类产品 ,品种达40 0个左右。目前世界皮化工业总的趋势是向多功能、多品种、高
Leather chemicals (referred to as leather products), generally divided into tanning agent, fatliquor, finishing agent, special additives and special dyes 5 categories, is a promising chemical products. Leather products are mainly produced in Western Europe, about 60 varieties more than only BASF to produce five major categories of products, about 40 0 varieties. The current global leather chemical industry trend is to multi-functional, multi-species, high