许多学生做完政治练习题后,往往不认真复查,他们虽然做了大量的练习,但解题的能力并没有显著的提高。究其根源,就是没有对习题进行认真细致的复查和解题过程的深刻反思,缺乏对知识内在联系的研究和深层次的理解,在题海中生吞活剥。做完一份练习之后,如果能及时进行复查、反思,总结一下思维方法和技巧,对深化知识的理解和应用,提高解题能力是很有效果的。 第一、复查“双基”,形成知识网络,提高思维的可靠性。
After many students have finished political exercises, they often do not carefully review. Although they did a lot of exercises, the ability to solve problems did not increase significantly. The root causes are the lack of careful review of the exercises and the deep reflections on the problem-solving process, and the lack of research and in-depth understanding of the intrinsic connections of knowledge. After completing an exercise, if you can review and reflect in a timely manner, and sum up thinking methods and techniques, it is effective to deepen the understanding and application of knowledge and improve the ability to solve problems. First, review the “double base” to form a knowledge network and improve the reliability of thinking.