Table manners in America

来源 :学生导报·东方少年 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yichunjekiyi
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  1. We should have food after all the guests are seated. Before the hostess picks up her spoon or fork, the guest may not eat any dish.
  2. The napkin should be spread on the knee. If the napkin is larger, you can fold it and lay it on the leg; if small, it can be opened entirely. You can use a corner of thenapkin to wipe off your mouth or grease stain on the fingers, but it’s not available to wipe the table.
  3. You should sit straightly, not too lean forward, and don't put the arms across on the table, so as to avoid collision of the guest.
  4. Use a knife and fork correctly. You should use your right hand with a knife and a fork in the left one. If only fork, you can use your right hand. Don't put the blade(刀刃) outward when using a knife. Don't put the knife in your mouth when sending food.
  1. 连线
  fork 盘子
  knife 牙签
  plate 刀子
  spoon 叉子
  glass 餐巾
  bowl 杯子
  napkin 碗
  toothpick 勺子
  2. 用下列单词进行造句
  e.g: fast food
  Americans like to eat fast food.
  1. fish and chips
  2. hot pot
  3. pizza
  4. red wine
  5. tableware
  3. 完型填空
  When you are invited to have dinner in a foreigner’s home, please remember the __1__: At table, when the hostess picks up her napkin, you may pick up yours and put it on your __2__.
  If a servant passes food around, he will pass the __3__ to you at your left hand so that you can easily serve yourself with your right hand. Never serve yourself while the dish is on the right; it is then the turn of your neighbor on the right.
  Do not reach across the table or in front of someone to get something that is not polite. Ask him or her to __4__ it to you.
  There are things in the middle of the table, such as bread, butter, and candies. You shouldn’t take any until the hostess tells the servant to pass them to you.
  Do not leave your seat without saying__5__. If you need to leave the table to go to the washroom or do something else, you should say “Excuse me for a moment, please.”
  ( ) 1. A.following B. next C. note D. text
  ( )2.A. hands B. face C. head D. legs
  ( )3. A. fish B. milk C. fruit D. dish
  ( ) 4. A.throw B. handle C. pass D. take
  ( ) 5. A. anything B. something C. everything D. nothing
本报讯 2015年12月17日,一场名为“舞向未来活力校园”的“舞向未来”艺术教育实验公开主题展示活动在上海交通大学附属实验小学举行。  活动共分校园“舞向未来”集体展示、公开展示课以及教学研讨三个部分。在校园“舞向未来”集体展示环节中,学校舞蹈(形体)及体育教师组成的主教团队用富于激情的口令与动作,将全校学生的情绪调动起来,让学生自始至终都保持一种极具活力的状态,用快乐的舞步、自信的笑容跟着老师
主持人 曹莹:寒假的脚步悄然临近,小朋友们的寒假想好怎么过了没?下面这些小朋友的寒假或许能给你一点参考。  同学A:我才小学二年级,我这个寒假打算练字。寒假我要跟着父母回老家,舞蹈兴趣班和钢琴课都要停掉,但我没打算完全闲着,我买了一套字帖,这个是可以随身携带的,不管是在上海还是外地。我的字写得很慢,又写得不好看,妈妈说三年级的语文会要求写作文,对写字速度要求很高,我得提高自己的写字速度和美观度,准
在日本大阪市中央区的一家甜点学院,日前利用杏仁粉及砂糖制成的“杏仁膏”以及巧克力等为原料,制成了一座“甜点铁道博物馆”。  这一设计以日本北陆新干线的通车等为创意,在宽约2.5米、长约4.2米的甜点铁道博物馆中,1层为列车车库、2层为大阪的街道、3层则展现了乡间风景与富士山。  此外,模型中使用普乐路路(Plarail)电车模型为基础制成的甜点列车还可行驶,共制作有JR及私铁的33种车型,共300
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这么小的空间,如何做到不浪费每一寸空间真是让设计者煞费苦心。巧妙隐蔽的空间利用让人拍案叫绝!洁白的窗台上摆着几盆绿色植物,和大队旗、中队旗、苗苗旗等旗帜,窗台下却是一个衣柜,里面挂着学校鼓号队队员们的队服。窗台左侧是一排鼓号陈列架,上面放小号,下面柜子分成两格,每格放一个队鼓,格子的高度堪堪就比队鼓的厚度多几厘米。  最让人拍案叫绝的是房间中央的会议桌。为了与活动墙的六边形小色块呼应,会议桌也是由
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今天是星期天,我早上起来既兴奋又激动,今天我要第一次和妈妈一起给家人做鲈鱼!  我和妈妈先去菜场,挑选了新鲜的鲈鱼,并去掉鱼鳞和内脏。我先把鲈鱼清洗干净,然后切了姜片和小葱备用。学着妈妈的样子在鱼表面切成一个个小切口,并在表面涂上少量盐,妈妈说这样更容易入味,看来烧鱼的小窍门还不少呢。  开始向锅中放油了,我的心砰砰直跳,心中打着小鼓,我能行吗?看着妈妈鼓励的眼神,我振作精神,聚精会神、缓缓地把油