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中等收入群体,主要是指工作稳定、物质生活比较宽裕、收入处于中等水平的人群。这一群体的特征在于,同需求较为饱和的高收入群体相比,中等收入群体的消费弹性更大,包括一些刚性需求和更高层次的发展和享受的需求;同低收入群体相比,中等收入群体的购买力更高,消费意愿也更强烈。随着中国家庭收入的普遍增长和家庭财富的积累,消费能力也在不断提高,以中等收入群体为主体的大众消费已成为扩大内需、转变经济发展方式的重要驱动力。 Middle-income groups mainly refer to people who have stable jobs, a more affluent material life and a moderate income. The characteristics of this group are that the middle-income groups are more resilient to consumption than some of the more demanding high-income groups, including some rigid needs and higher levels of development and enjoyment needs. Compared with low-income groups, Income groups have higher purchasing power and stronger willingness to spend. With the general growth of family income in China and the accumulation of family wealth, the spending power is also rising. Mass consumption, with the middle-income groups as the mainstay, has become an important driving force for expanding domestic demand and transforming the mode of economic development.
<正> 随着以计算机和网络为核心的信息技术的不断发展及其在教育教学中的应用。信息技术与学科教学的整合已经成为一种趋势。化学是一门以实验为基础的科学,化学实验教学作为
目的: 赤丹丸是中国医科大学附属盛京医院协定处方,由赤芍、丹参、黄芩、茯苓、三棱五味药材组成,具有清热解毒、活血化瘀之功效,主治妇女慢性盆腔炎、附件炎。该药用于临床
本文考察了几种表面活性剂的复配体系 ,结果表明 :油水两相极易混合 (“混相”)的体系 ,界面张力必定超低。进而又研究了盐浓度及温度对体系界面张力的影响 ,油—水界面张力