为了观察用西药结合中药治疗陈旧性眼内出血的疗效,木文采用①维脑路通600mg 静点;②低分子方旋糖酐500ml静点;③中药饮片煎服。三种方法同时或交替使用治疗陈旧性眼内出血,观察使用后视力恢复情况及眼内出血吸收情况。对于112例各种原因引起的各种出血,视力均在不同时间段均有提高。根据中医“气滞血瘀”理论.采用中药止血、凉血、活血化瘀的不同功效,对不同时期进行加减,辨证施治,使积血吸收,达到增视的目的。
In order to observe the effect of traditional Chinese medicine combined with traditional Chinese medicine treatment of obstructive intraocular hemorrhage, the use of vitamin avena Venom 600mg static point; ② low molecular weight of hemolymph 500ml static point; ③ decoction of Chinese Herbal Pieces. Three methods used simultaneously or alternately to treat obsolete intraocular hemorrhage and observe the visual acuity recovery and intraocular hemorrhage absorption after use. For 112 cases of various causes of various bleeding, visual acuity were improved at different time periods. According to Chinese medicine “qi stagnation” theory. The use of traditional Chinese medicine to stop bleeding, cooling, blood circulation of different effects, different periods of addition and subtraction, syndrome differentiation, so that blood absorption, to achieve the purpose of increasing.