广东省的水库普遍存在淤积现象,部分水库淤积严重,必须清淤,但清理的淤积物存在二次污染、占地等问题,必须进行资源化利用、消纳淤泥。水库淤积物烧制技术采用水库淤泥及当地煤矸石等工业废料为主要原料,生产烧结砖。该技术在兴宁合水水库推广应用,年产6 000万块标砖的水库淤泥砖生产线1次投产成功,5个月达到并超过设计产能,当年实际产能达到7 011万块,产品质量符合国家规范要求,技术指标和经济效益指标均显著优于设计和行业平均水平。
Some silos in some reservoirs must be dredged. However, there are problems of secondary pollution and land occupation in the cleaned silt, which must be resourceized and used to absorb the silt. Reservoir sediment firing technology using the reservoir sludge and local gangue and other industrial waste as the main raw material, the production of sintered brick. The technology has been applied in Xingning Heshui Reservoir. The production line of silt brick with an annual output of 60 million standard bricks was successfully put into operation in one operation. The production capacity reached and exceeded the design capacity in five months. In the same year, the actual production capacity reached 70.11 million units, National regulatory requirements, technical indicators and economic indicators are significantly better than the design and industry average.