Northern navy - a brand new military service in modern China. On the face of it, it is the product of the feudal backward Chinese Empire that gave birth, but in the bones it is the true European naval origin. The Northern navy's talented army of officers and men, the leading ironclads, cruisers, torpedo boats, and armaments, impregnable artillery, advanced naval bases, complete contents and detailed “Northern Naval Charter” are all learned from the West. Purchase, learn from, absorb, and make the best Western modern military civilization. In this regard, researchers have more monographs come out. So what is the origin of the banner of the North Sea naval international exchange activities and military operations at sea? What is the origin of the change? Or is it a copy of the European model or the combination of Chinese and western cultures? Here, I do not pretend to be simple and crude, , In order to initially clear the context of its development. Inaccuracies, Jing Fang Fang advice.