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同伴交往主要是指儿童和同龄伙伴之间的交往,其交往对象的年龄、心理发展水平和地位等与自己较为接近。同伴交往能力是指幼儿在与自己年龄相同或相近的人的交往过程中感受、适应、协调和处理同伴关系能力的总和,是幼儿社交能力的一个领域,是幼儿心理发展的重要组成部分。影响幼儿同伴交往能力的因素是多方面的,如家庭因素、幼儿自身因素等。 Peer interaction mainly refers to the interaction between children and their peers. The age, psychological development and status of their counterparts are closer to themselves. Peer-to-peer communication refers to the sum of the ability of young children to feel, adapt, coordinate and handle peer relationships during their interactions with their own peers. It is an area of ​​children’s social competence and an important part of their psychological development. There are many factors that affect the ability of young children to associate with each other, such as family factors and children’s own factors.
不久前,IBM推出了一套云计算服务产品,提供用于测试应用软件的虚拟桌面及环境的服务。尽管IBM公司的做法颠覆了云计算典型的设置,这一战略还是要与亚马逊、Salesforce.com的同类产品一争高下。代之于向客户提供任何他们需要的通用存储和处理服务,IBM的这个云平台是为最有利于公司的专门任务工作而设计的。  标准的云计算推销语通常是这样的:云计算能够让企业在别人的数据中心运行程序,以及存储数据,