最近,国内贸易局在全国范围内评选出一百名烹饪大师,这是迄今为止厨师的最高职称。上海共有五位名厨入选,排在第一位的,就是闻名世界烹坛的李耀云。 说他闻名世界烹坛,是因为他参加过多次世界烹饪大赛,并取得了优异的成绩。曾先后赴日本、新加坡、马来西亚、香港、德国、美国、俄罗斯、泰国等地表演、讲学。1992年他担任第一届中国烹饪世界大赛评委,1993年担任全国第三届烹饪大赛评委,1994年担任第二后中国烹饪世界大赛评委,1997年分别受邀担任俄罗斯中菜烹饪大赛评委和泰国曼谷亚洲中菜大赛评委,1999年担任世界厨师联合会国际评委,需要说明的是,世厨联评委我国仅两名。
Recently, the National Board of Trade selected 100 culinary masters across the country, the chef’s highest title to date. A total of five chefs selected in Shanghai, ranked first in the world famous cooking is Li Yaoyun. He said that he is famous for cooking in the world because he has participated in many world cooking competitions and has achieved excellent results. He has successively performed performances and lectures in Japan, Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Germany, the United States, Russia and Thailand. In 1992 he served as the judges of the first Chinese cooking world contest, in 1993 the third national cooking competition judges, in 1994 as the second after the Chinese cooking world competition judges, respectively, in 1997 invited to serve as judges of the Russian cuisine cooking competition and Thailand Bangkok Asian Chinese Food Competition judges, 1999 World Federation of cooks as an international judge, it should be noted that the World Federation of Kitchen judges only two of our country.