胃平滑肌肉瘤少见 ,约占胃肉瘤的20%。随着高分辨力实时超声仪器的问世和诊断技术的不断提高 ,为临床提供了丰富的影像学信息 ,有助于胃肿瘤的诊断和鉴别诊断。特别是胃平滑肌肉瘤 ,国内文献报告不多 ,声像图虽具有一定特征性 ,实际工作中仍诊断困难。现将本室10年来应用实
Gastric leiomyosarcoma is rare and accounts for about 20% of gastric sarcomas. With the advent of high-resolution real-time ultrasound equipment and the continuous improvement of diagnostic techniques, it has provided clinically rich imaging information and is helpful for the diagnosis and differential diagnosis of gastric cancer. In particular, gastric leiomyosarcoma has few reports in the domestic literature. Although the sonogram has certain characteristics, it is still difficult to diagnose in actual work. This room is now applied for 10 years