1959年秋,年仅十九岁的孙广林背着沉重的行囊离别了苦练三年的哈尔滨拳击队。无情的现实粉碎了他朝思暮想的冠军之梦,三年的汗水与艰辛付诸东流,七彩的阳光顷刻闻黯淡了,命运之神将孙广林推向了人生逆境,前程一片渺茫。他伫立在铺满枯枝败叶的路口上,用含泪的眼睛望着被秋风摧残得只剩下光秃秃树干的白杨树,隐约地产生出同病相怜的感触。可是,白杨树来年开春时依然会生长出嫩绿的枝叶,但自己的第二个春天在哪儿呢? 在哈尔滨拳击队三年中,孙广林付出的代价是巨大的,不论是烈日炎炎的盛夏或是呵气成冰的严冬,他天天泡在训练馆里,打沙袋,练
The autumn of 1959, only 19-year-old Sun Guanglin carrying heavy luggage left the hard-working three-year Harbin boxing team. Relentless reality shattered his dream of champion champions dream, three years of sweat and hardships to be taken aback, the colorful sunshine instantly bleak, the god of destiny Sun Guanglin adversity, the future is slim. He stood in the intersection covered with dead leaves, with tearful eyes looked at by the autumn wind devastated leaving bare tree trunk poplar, vaguely produce feelings of compassion. However, poplar next spring will still grow green leaves, but their own second spring where? In Harbin three years of boxing team, Sun Guanglin paid a huge price, whether it is hot summer or It is a harsh winter of hesitation, he soaked in the training hall every day, playing sandbags, training