Stepwise synthesis of cuprous oxide nanoparticles with adjustable structures and growth model

来源 :Science China(Technological Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ghmyjp
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By stepwise adding of reducer N2H4·H2O,cuprous oxide(Cu2O)nanoparticles(NPs)with adjustable structures were synthesized.The features of Cu2O NPs were characterized by XRD,TEM and UV-Vis absorption spectra.When the reducer was added into the reactant system at one time,the sizes of the Cu2O NPs are in the range of 120–140 nm.Most Cu2O NPs are solid spheres.As the reducer was divided into two equal parts and stepwisely added,almost all the NPs are hollow spheres with good size(150–170 nm)distribution and dispersity.But when the reducer was divided into three or four equal parts and stepwisely added,the NPs are hollow spheres,core-shell structures or solid spheres,and the sizes distribution of the products is deteriorated.The effect of sodium hydrate(NaOH)was also probed.Addition of NaOH speeded up the nucleation and growth processes of Cu2O NPs.With the alkalinity increase,the shells of the hollow spheres become compact and the thicknesses of the shells increase,but the size distribution of the NPs is deteriorated.The absorption spectra of the Cu2O NPs are tunable.With the shell thicknesses increase,the absorption peaks have red shifts.An inside-outside growth model of Cu2O NPs was proposed to explain the results.The Cu2O single crystalline grains grow not only in the reactant solution,but also inside of the hollow nanospheres.The new Cu2O nanocrystallines can not only aggregate onto the shells of the nano hollow spheres,but also inside and outside of the hollow spheres,which leads to increasing the shell thicknesses of the hollow spheres,forming core-shell structures or small solid spheres of Cu2O NPs,respectively. By stepwise adding of reducer N2H4 · H2O, cuprous oxide (Cu2O) nanoparticles (NPs) with adjustable structures were synthesized. These features of Cu2O NPs were characterized by XRD, TEM and UV-Vis absorption spectra. system at one time, the sizes of the Cu2O NPs are in the range of 120-140 nm. Host Cu2O NPs are solid spheres. As the reducer was divided into two equal parts and stepwisely added, almost all the NPs are hollow spheres with good size (150-170 nm) distribution and dispersity.But when the reducer was divided into three or four equal parts and stepwisely added, the NPs are hollow spheres, core-shell structures or solid spheres, and the sizes distribution of the products is deteriorated . The effect of sodium hydrate (NaOH) was also probed. Addition of NaOH speeded up the nucleation and growth processes of Cu2O NPs.With the alkalinity increase, the shells of the hollow spheres become compact and the thicknesses of the shells increase, but the size distrib ution of the NPs is deteriorated. The absorption spectra of the Cu2O NPs are tunable. With the shell thicknesses increase, the absorption peaks have red shifts. Ann inside-outside growth model of Cu2O NPs was proposed to explain the results. Cu2O single crystalline grains grow not only in the reactant solution, but also inside of the hollow nanospheres. the new Cu2O nanocrystallines can not only aggregate onto the shells of the nano hollow spheres, but also inside and outside of the hollow spheres, which leads to increasing the shell thicknesses of the hollow spheres, forming core-shell structures or small solid spheres of Cu2O NPs, respectively.
绝经后阴道出血(Postmenopausal bleedin, PMB)是指自然闭经 12个月以上发生的阴道流血[1],是老年妇女常见的症状之一,也是部分老年妇女生殖系统恶性肿瘤征兆。本院1995年1月~1998年12月收治53例现报告如下。 临床资料 一、一
患者 2 0岁。第二胎第二产。产后阴道大量流血伴阵发性下腹痛 11h ,于 1999年 1月 2日晚 8时入院。 11h前 ,患者在当地医院顺产一男活婴 ;胎儿娩出后 ,助产者即用手牵拉脐带及
目的对连云港市2010年手足口病例标本进行病原学检测,了解手足口病的感染情况,分析检测结果,为手足口病的预防和临床诊断提供科学依据。方法采用Real Time RT-PCR方法对手足
患者 ,40岁。因停经 38d来我院就诊。门诊查尿hCG(+ ) ,要求B超进一步诊断胎囊位置 (使用仪器 :HM 2 85型超声仪 ,探头为 3 .5MHz)。嘱病人适当充盈膀胱 ,暴露下腹部 ,探头于下腹部适度
(一) 規律性問題上唯物論與唯心論的根本對立客观世界(包括自然和社會)有沒有規律?可不可認識?這是唯物论與唯心論鬥爭的焦點之一。列寧深刻地揭露了規律性問題上唯物論與唯