未来属于参透人性的开拓者,这就是人类的发展史。联欢会、年货、抢票,新年愿望,朋友圈里的年味渐渐浓了。记者也有个想法,假如让服装企业,从中国刚刚起步的小服饰制造商到全球四家规模最大的服装零售商TJ Marx、Ross、H&M和Inditex,做一道“你想拥有哪一项特异功能?”的问答,那“看到消费者的内心”一定会成为他们的必选,因为对于供应端来说,了解需求才能实现变现。
The future belongs to the pioneer who penetrates human nature. This is the history of human development. Party, New Year, grab tickets, New Year wishes, the taste of friends circle gradually enriched. The reporter also had an idea. Let the garment enterprises make a joint effort from the small garment manufacturers in China to TJ Marx, Ross, H & M and Inditex, the four largest garment retailers in the world. “Which specific function do you want to have? ? ”Question and answer, then“ see the heart of consumers, ”will certainly be their choice, because the supply side, understand the demand can be realized.