Leukotriene is a new class of highly bioactive arachidonic acid derivatives found in white blood cells and other tissues in recent years. It is associated with many diseases such as bronchial asthma, angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, acute and chronic inflammation and allergy Development and development are closely related to the same time, many anti-inflammatory and immune suppression drugs (such as aspirin, glucocorticoids, etc.) mechanism of action is also related to leukotrienes. Therefore, the study of leukotrienes and their antagonists has great theoretical significance and practical value. First, the name and source of leukotriene (A) Name Leukotriene was first isolated from rabbit white blood cells, such as polymorphonuclear leukocytes, basophils and monocytes and other macrophages derived from its molecular structure containing three coupling Double bond, so named leukotrienes (Leukotrienes, LTs).