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纪念是用一定的方式对人对事表示怀念。它既可以是国家、民族对已有荣誉的回忆,对过去痛苦的祭奠,也可以是家庭和个人对往事对亲朋表示的怀念。纪念又不同于怀念,它不仅仅是内心情感的涌动,它还是思想与行动的结合。生活中有各式各样的纪念,节日庆典是纪念,树碑立传是纪念,种一棵树或写一篇文章也是纪念……形式或许不同,但意义同样真切。真正的纪念是心灵的回响,是历史的回音;它坚守信念,传递勇气;它珍藏感动,分享幸福;它审视过去,启迪未来……请以“纪念”为话题,写一篇文章。[注意]①所写内容必须在话题范围之内;②立意自定;③文体自选;④题目自拟;⑤不少于800字;⑥不得抄袭。 The commemoration is a way to show people nostalgia for things. It can be a memory of the honors of the country and the nation, and a painful memorial for the past. It can also be a memory of the family and the individual’s memory of their friends and relatives. Commemoration is not like nostalgia. It is not just the surge of inner feelings. It is also a combination of thought and action. There are various kinds of commemorations in life. The festivals are commemorative. The monument is a monument. A tree or an article is also a memorial. The form may be different, but the meaning is the same. The true commemoration is the reverberation of the soul and the echo of history; it adheres to faith and conveys courage; it is moved and shares happiness; it examines the past and enlightens the future... Please write an essay on the topic of “Remembrance”. [Caution] 1 The content of the writing must be within the scope of the topic; 2 is intended to be self-determined; 3 style is optional; 4 is self-proposal; 5 is not less than 800 characters; 6 cannot be copied.
妻子玛丽安很爱鸟,她可以在阳台上一待就是几个小时,只为等候_只蜂鸟的到访。  我家订有《鸟语花香》杂志,还买来里面推荐的喂鸟器,只是鼓捣半天,才引来一只小鸟。  等候小鸟前来安家的过程很漫长,一旦等到令人格外兴奋,就像等待唐·梅里尔的作品。我在他的网站上下了单,只为给妻子一个惊喜。  唐是手工吹制玻璃的大师,不知道今天送到我手上的是一件什么样的作品,我满怀期待,想象着妻子惊喜的模样。  待我小心翼