20 0 2年全国生物学联赛理论试卷第一大题中的第 73小题为 :对青霉素不敏感的微生物是 ( )A .支原体 B .衣原体C .立克次氏体D .葡萄球菌樊星彤和白胜利两位老师 (《中学生物教学》2 0 0 3年第 3期P 2 9)认为 :除了A选项 ,C选项也正确。原因 :当青霉素对立克次氏体
The 73rd title in the first topic of the 2002 National Biology League Theory Paper was: Penicillin-insensitive microorganisms were () A. Mycoplasma B. Chlamydia C. Rickettsia D. Staphylococcus The two teachers of Bai Shengli (“Secondary Biology Teaching” 2003, 3rd P2 9) believe that in addition to the A option, the C option is also correct. Reason : When Penicillin is Against Rickettsia