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以邓小平同志南巡谈话为标志,扬州经济近两年进入了改革开放以来第二轮加速发展时期。市委、市政府从实际出发,适时地提出了“跨过长江赶苏南,加快步伐奔小康,人均国民生产总值苏北保第一,经济总量全省争第三”的九十年代奋斗目标,并积极推进总量扩张与调整提高并重的战略,使全市经济保持了较高速度的增长。1993年在农业稳步提高的同时,全市实现工业产值715亿元,比1991年增长1倍;第三产业增加值70亿元,同比增长1.3倍;全市国民生产总值318亿元,同比增长92%,接近两年翻一番。尤其值得重视的是,随着经济的加快发展,两年来全市经济结构发生一系列带有突破性的变动:(1)工业内部重工业产值比重第一次超过轻工业,标志着我市总体上已跨入以重化工业为主导的工业化中期;(2)农业内部多种经营产值第一次超过种植业,是继1986年乡镇工业产值第一次超过农副业产值后我市农村经济结构调整的又一次重大突破;(3)全市三次产业结构第一次由“二一三”转为“二三一”,反映了第 With Comrade Deng Xiaoping’s southern tour talk as a sign, Yangzhou economy has entered the second round of accelerated development since the reform and opening up in the recent two years. From the actual situation, the municipal party committee and municipal government put forward the goal of “fighting against the Yangtze River in the rush to catch up with the south of the Yangtze River, accelerating pace toward well-off society, per capita gross national product of Jiangsu Province and the third in the whole province” And actively promote the total expansion and adjustment of both strategies, so that the city’s economy maintained a relatively high growth. While agriculture steadily increased in 1993, the city’s industrial output value reached 71.5 billion yuan, an increase of 1 times that of 1991; the added value of the tertiary industry was 7.0 billion yuan, an increase of 1.3 times as much as that of the previous year; and the city’s gross national product reached 31.8 billion yuan, an increase of 92% %, Doubling in nearly two years. In particular, it is worth noting that with the rapid economic development, a series of breakthrough changes have taken place in the city’s economic structure over the past two years: (1) the proportion of the heavy industry’s output value surpassed that of light industry for the first time in two years, marking the overall cross-strait expansion of the city Into the mid-industrialization led by the heavy chemical industry; (2) the output value of various operations in agriculture exceeded the planting industry for the first time in 1986. After the industrial output value of townships exceeded the output value of agricultural and sideline products for the first time in 1986, A major breakthrough; (3) the city’s three industrial structure for the first time from “213” to “231”, reflecting the first
> 吸金高手  谁是全美国最出色的体育运动员?也许每个人心中的答案都不一样,但市场,会告诉你一些答案,因为它是可以被量化的。  美国最权威体育杂志《体育画报》,公布了过去一年美国职业运动员收入前50人,这包括25位职业棒球选手、13位NBA球星、八位橄榄球运动员、两位高尔夫选手、一位拳击手和一位赛车手。排名榜首的是比赛奖金高达9000万美元的拳击手梅威瑟,而詹姆斯以5654.5万美元紧随其后,成为
我国轴瓦工程技术界急待解决的重要课题,轴瓦两端面及内外角工序的重要设备——轴瓦切两端倒角专用机床,已由南通市兴武实验厂开发成功并批量生产。 依据(等效采用轴瓦国际标