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目的:探讨开窗减压术治疗颌骨巨大囊肿临床疗效。方法:在本院2014年11月-2015年8月诊治的颌骨巨大囊肿患者中抽取85例作研究对象并予以随机分组,观察组43例采用开窗减压术治疗,对照组42例进行传统颌骨囊肿刮治术治疗,对比两组患者手术效果、并发症发生率和复发率。结果:观察组囊腔体积的缩小程度、骨密度和骨质增生厚度均优于对照组(P<0.05);观察组并发症发生率为4.65%,颌骨巨大囊肿复发率是2.33%,对照组并发症发生率为14.29%,颌骨巨大囊肿复发率是19.05%,组间比较,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:开窗减压术治疗颌骨巨大囊肿临床疗效确切,患者并发症发生率相对较低,且不易复发。 Objective: To investigate the clinical effect of fenestration decompression in the treatment of giant cysts of the jaw. METHODS: Totally 85 patients with giant jaw cysts diagnosed and treated in our hospital from November 2014 to August 2015 were randomly divided into two groups: 43 cases in the observation group were treated by fenestration and 42 cases in the control group Traditional treatment of jaw cyst cure, the two groups of patients compared the effect of surgery, complication rate and recurrence rate. Results: The reduction of volume, the density of bone and the thickness of bone hyperplasia in observation group were better than those in control group (P <0.05). The incidence of complications in observation group was 4.65%, and the recurrence rate of giant cyst in jaw was 2.33% The incidence of complications was 14.29%, and the recurrence rate of giant cysts in the jaw was 19.05%. There was significant difference between the two groups (P <0.05). Conclusions: The clinical effect of fenestration decompression for the treatment of huge giant cysts in the jaw is definite. The incidence of complication is relatively low and it is not easy to recurrence.
摘要:著名特级教师、中国小语教学的新生代人物孙双金老师在谈到文本解读的重要性时曾提出:“上好语文课,解读文本是第一步。”这确实是一句朴素的至理名言。在貌似“平淡”的解读方式和解读过程中,让学生真正走入文本,这才是语文教学的根本。  关键词:公开课感悟;文本解读;“平淡”  中图分类号:G427文献标识码:A 文章编号:1992-7711(2014)04-058-1  笔者接到开一节公开课的任务是一
关键词:能力,启示,教学  中图分类号:G63 文献标识码:B 文章编号:0457-6241(2010)19-0022-02    对高考题的评价是每年考后的热门话题,也是反思教学、研究教学的一次机会。越来越多的参与者认为,与其对整套试卷泛泛地评析,不如就某一道试题进行深入细致地剖析和讨论。《历史教学》杂志曾做过这方面的有益尝试,现在又组织对2010年高考新课标全国文综卷第40题的讨论,这是探讨新