在孙中山先生的墨宝中,“博爱”可谓是他一生“最爱”,据不完全统计,他生前共计题写达64次之多,比“天下为公”34次的题写数量远远超出。 他为什么对“博爱”二字情有独钟呢?究其原因:其一,早在1879年,年仅13岁的孙中山就在其兄孙眉的安排下进入檀香山一所历史悠久的基督教教会学校——意奥拉尼学院,接受西方教育。三年的学习不仅使孙中山增长了知识,而且在潜移默化中被基督教教义宣扬的“自由、平等、博爱”的精神所打动。因为“自由、平等、博爱”的观点,符合孙中山救国救民的思想抱负。其二,那些在中国近代资产阶级革命过程中,起了举足轻重的作用,或倾全部家财以资助革命活动,或投身革命流血献身,革命功绩永垂史册的同志们给了他切身的感悟。因此,孙中山把为巾国四万万同胞谋幸福归结为“博爱”,无数革命志士杀身成仁就是“博爱”精神的最高境界。
In Dr. Sun Yat-sen's calligraphy, “fraternity” can be described as his “favorite life”. According to incomplete statistics, he wrote a total of 64 questions in his lifetime, far exceeding the number written in 34 times. Why did he fond of the word “fraternity”? The reason: First, as early as 1879, Sun Yat-sen, 13, entered the historic Christian Church in Honolulu under the arrangement of his brother Sun Mei, School - Italian Oranian Institute, to accept Western education. Three years of study have not only touched Sun Yat-sen's knowledge, but also been driven by the spirit of “freedom, equality and fraternity” advocated by the Christian doctrine in a subtle way. Because “freedom, equality, fraternity” point of view, in line with Sun Yat-sen national salvation ideological ambitions. Second, those comrades who played a decisive role in the process of modern Chinese bourgeois revolution, or dumped all their family fortunes to finance revolutionary activities, or devoted themselves to revolutionary bloodshed and historic achievements of the revolution gave him personal insights. Therefore, Sun Yat-sen summed up the fraternity for the sake of 400 million compatriots in the towel countries as “fraternity”, and the death knell of innumerable revolutionary ideals is the highest state of “fraternity”.