患儿女,1岁8个月,因“间断发热,淋巴结肿大1年余”于2006年7月入院。患儿生后4个月因脐炎于当地医院抗感染治疗后痊愈。后又出现反复发热、淋巴结炎及牙龈炎等,抗生素治疗后好转。曾因迁延反复局部淋巴结肿大,于当地医院行淋巴结活检,提示化脓性炎症。患儿出生史及家族史无异常。入院查体:生命体征平稳,生长发育尚可。耳后,颌下可触及成串肿大淋巴结,大者1.5 cm×2 cm,小如黄豆大小,活动度良好,无粘连及红肿压痛。口腔黏膜光滑,牙龈增生红肿。右颌下有一长约10 cm 术后瘢痕。咽后壁充血,扁桃体不大,心肺查体无明显异常。脐部瘢痕挛缩8 cm
Children with children, 1 year and 8 months, due to “intermittent fever, lymphadenopathy more than 1 year ” was admitted in July 2006. 4 months after birth due to omphalitis in local hospitals after anti-infective treatment cured. After repeated fever, lymphadenitis and gingivitis, antibiotics improved after treatment. Have repeatedly delayed the extension of local lymph nodes, lymph node biopsy in the local hospital line, suggesting suppurative inflammation. Children’s history of birth and no abnormal family history. Admission examination: stable vital signs, growth and development can still be. Ear, the submandibular can reach a group of swollen lymph nodes, the larger 1.5 cm × 2 cm, small, such as the size of soybeans, good mobility, no adhesion and redness tenderness. Oral mucosa smooth, gingival hyperplasia swelling. Right under the jaw there is a length of about 10 cm postoperative scar. Throat posterior wall hyperemia, tonsil, cardiopulmonary examination no obvious abnormalities. Umbilical scar contracture 8 cm