长期研究表明,几乎所有的生物体内都存在有“生物钟”(Biologic Clock)。从单细胞生物到人类,各种生理过程都伴有节律性变化,这一节律既受外界环境的影响而又不依赖于外力的作用。不同物种具有不同的生物节律,同一物种不同类别的节律周期亦可不同。 国外较早重视生物节律的研究,有些已应用于实践;国内近几年也不断出现这方面研究的论文,但还没有人涉足痛阈和低氧敏感性昼夜节律的研究。本研究旨在对这些
Long-term studies have shown that there is a “Biologic Clock” in almost all organisms. From unicellular organisms to humans, a variety of physiological processes are accompanied by rhythmic changes, a rhythm that is both influenced by the external environment and independent of external forces. Different species have different biological rhythms, different types of the same species rhythm cycle can be different. Some scholars have paid more attention to the study of biological rhythms in foreign countries, and some of them have been used in practice. In recent years, many papers on this topic have been published in China, but no one has studied the pain threshold and the circadian rhythm of hypoxia sensitivity. This research is aimed at these