Benign nontraumatic inflammatory stricture of mid portion of common bile duct mimicking malignant tu

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fgvhfdvh
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Benign nontraumatic inflammatory stricture of the commonbile duct(CBD)may result in obstructive jaundice,whichcan be misdiagnosed as a malignant tumor of the CBDpreoperatively.Two cases with strictures of the mid portionof the common bile duct presenting with obstructive jaundiceare reported herein.Preoperative radiological studiesprompted us to confidently make the diagnosis ofcholangiocarcinoma.However,the postoperative diagnosison histological examination of the resected lesions waschronic inflammation and fibrosis.The complications ofchronic duodenal ulcer are considered as the etiology ofthese two disorders. Benign nontraumatic inflammatory stricture of the commonbile duct (CBD) may result in obstructive jaundice, whichcan be misdiagnosed as a malignant tumor of the CBDpreoperatively.Two cases with strictures of the mid portionof the common bile duct presenting with obstructive jaundiceare published herein. Preoperative radiological studiesprompted us to confidently make the diagnosis of cholangiocarcinoma. However, the postoperative diagnosison histological examination of the resected lesions waschronic inflammation and fibrosis.The complications ofchronic duodenal ulcer are considered as the etiology of these two disorders.
AIM:To determine the survival of advanced pancreaticcancer patients treated with intraoperative radiotherapy(IORT) combined with external beam radiation therap
1 临床资料例一,男,32岁,因左乳肿块10月伴溢液就诊,查体:左乳晕下有一0.5×0.5cm皮肤溃疡,并有少量血性渗出液,左乳晕区可扪及2×2×1.5cm大小质硬肿块,光滑,活动尚可,与皮
To augment specific cytotoxic T lymphocyte(CTL)lysis is a promising strategy for cancer therapy,in this study,we examined the boosting effect of CTLs upon auto