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“我们每天都过着‘家——学校’两点一线的生活,除了吃饭睡觉、读书写作业我们还有什么可写的呢?生活如此单调,却硬要逼着我们写出一篇篇内容丰富的记叙文,这不是强人所难吗?”我们的世界真的那么单调吗?其实无论我们多么繁忙,生活的精彩每天每时每刻都在我们的身边上演,只不过,我们缺失了发现精彩的眼睛。今天,让我们一起加油,找回生命中那些被我们忽略了的精彩。 “Every day we live a ’home - school’ two-point line of life, in addition to eating and sleeping, reading and writing what we can write it? Life is so monotonous, but hard to force us to write an article Rich narrative, this is not a strong man to do? ”Our world is really so monotonous? In fact, no matter how busy we are, the wonderful daily life are staged around us every moment, but we missed the discovery of wonderful s eyes. Today, let us work together to get back the wonderful life that we have overlooked.
11月12日 晴  期中考试,我英语考了一百分,真是兴奋不已。  爸爸妈妈规定,只要我有一门功课考到一百分,就带我出去玩。那天傍晚,我提议先去吃晚饭,再出去玩。到了晚上,我们全家开车去如皋市吃晚饭。在车上,我们有说有笑,盼望能快点到达。来到饭店门前,我—看,名字是江南公社,觉得很古老。一进门,一股香味随风而来,馋得我直流口水。服务员帮我们找了一个四人的桌子,拿起菜单递给爸爸,我就一手抢来说:“我来