新生儿脓疱疮是新生儿中的一种以周围无红晕的薄壁水脓疱为特点的金黄色葡萄球菌感染。该病起病急,发展迅速,且可波及全身,严重者可出现全身症状,甚至并发败血症、肺炎、脑膜炎等。我科自1997年以来对78例脓疱疮患儿使用聚维酮碘涂患处治疗,取得明显疗效。 1 临床资料 脓疱疮患儿78例,年龄在4~8天,其中男44例,女34例。波及颜面、颈部、腋窝、躯干、腹股沟、四肢者32例,颜面、颈部、腋窝、躯干者28例,颜面、颈部、腋窝者18例。 2 使用方法 将患儿全身用温开水清洗后以柔软布拭干,用1%聚维酮碘棉球涂擦脓疱疮处,有水脓疱者,先用75%酒精棉球消毒脓疱疮周围皮肤,用消毒针头刺破脓疱,以无菌棉签吸取疱液及脓液,后用1%聚维酮碘棉球涂擦,每日2~3次,3天为一个疗程。
Newborn impetigo is a neonatal infection of the Staphylococcus aureus that is characterized by the presence of thin-walled pustules surrounding the flush. The disease onset acute, rapid development, and can affect the whole body, severe systemic symptoms may occur, and even complicated by sepsis, pneumonia, meningitis. Our department since 1997, 78 cases of impetigo children treated with povidone-iodine treatment of the affected area, and achieved significant results. 1 clinical data 78 cases of impetigo children, aged 4 to 8 days, 44 were male and 34 females. Neck, armpits, trunk, groin, limbs in 32 cases, facial, neck, armpit, torso in 28 cases, face, neck, armpit in 18 cases. 2 the use of the child with warm water after washing the body with a soft cloth to dry, rub the impetigo with 1% povidone-iodine cotton balls, water pustules, 75% alcohol cotton ball first disinfection pustules Sores around the skin, with sterile needle piercing pustules, blisters and pus with a sterile swab to draw, with 1% povidone iodine tipped, 2 to 3 times a day, 3 days for a course of treatment.