新世纪植树节来临之际,韶山人民沉浸在幸福的回忆之中:10年前的3月11日,在韶山毛泽东同志故居旁,江泽民总书记第一次来韶山时,亲手栽下的一棵光叶白兰树,如今已茁壮成长,开满了白色花朵,成了韶山一个亮丽的景点。 自江总书记栽下这棵树后,毛泽东同志故居班的武警 战士
On the occasion of the Arbor Day, the Shaoshan people are immersed in the memories of happiness: On March 11, 10 years ago, when General Secretary Jiang Zemin came to Shaoshan for the first time next to the former residence of Comrade Mao Zedong, Light leaves Prynne tree, now has thrived, filled with white flowers, has become a beautiful Shaoshan attractions. Since the tree was planted by General Secretary Jiang, armed police fighters of the former class of Comrade Mao Tse-tung,