
来源 :云南医药 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dexiaolu
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本文选择母婴同室病人918例医院感染发病率调查分析,与母婴同室前930例住院病人医院感染调查分析,进行对照,结果表明:母婴同室与母婴异室院内感染种类基本相同。母婴同室医院感染发病率为153%,比母婴异室医院感染发病率217%下降了64%,两者比较,差异有高度显著性X2=1282,P<001。两组感染部位分布均以皮肤软组织占的比例大。母婴同室组皮肤软组织构成比为507%,异室组构成比为719%,母婴同室比母婴异室下降了212%。上呼吸道感染,母婴同室组比异室组上升16%。伤口感染,母婴同室组比异室组上升28%。下呼吸道感染,母婴同室组比异室组上升26%。通过对爱婴病房院内感染监测资料分析,本文进一步探讨了医院感染发生原因及防治措施,我们认为,只要加强母婴同室消毒隔离,卫生保洁措施如洗手及护理治疗环节,加强陪护探视制度,可降低医院感染发病率。 This study selected 918 cases of nosocomial infections in the same room and analyzed the incidence of nosocomial infections. The results were compared with the 930 cases of nosocomial infections in the same room. The results showed that the types of nosocomial infections in the same room were different. The incidence of nosocomial infection in the same room was 15.3%, which was a drop of 6.4% compared with the incidence of nosocomial infection in the mother-infant hospital. The difference was highly significant (X2=1282, P<). 001. The distribution of infected sites in the two groups was dominated by a large proportion of skin and soft tissue. The ratio of skin to soft tissue in the maternal and infant cohort group was 50.7%, the composition ratio in the heterotypic group was 71.9%, and the ratio of maternal to infantile maternal and fetal heterosexual rooms decreased by 21 to 2%. Upper respiratory tract infections increased by 16% in the maternal-inferior-compartment group. Infection in wounds increased by 2.8% in the maternal-fetal compartment group compared with the heterotypic group. Lower respiratory tract infections increased by 2.6% in the maternal-inferior-compartment group. Through the analysis of monitoring information on nosocomial infections in baby-friendly wards, this article further explores the causes of hospital infections and the prevention and control measures. We believe that as long as the disinfection and isolation of mother-to-children in the same room, sanitary cleaning measures such as hand-washing, nursing and treatment are strengthened, the accompanying nursing visit system can be strengthened. Reduce the incidence of nosocomial infections.
目的 探讨骨间前神经综合征的解剖学基础。方法 解剖48侧(左右各24侧)成人防腐固定标本。结果 骨间前神经主干邻近腱性结构有旋前圆肌纤维桥(58.3%),尺骨头浅面腱膜(93.7%),联
目的 探讨肢体缺血再灌注后微血管痉挛的发生机制。方法 应用兔后肢止血带常温缺血模型及足背肌腱表面微循环观察法 ,观察肢体缺血 2小时及 5小时再灌注后微动脉对局部滴注