这是一位普通的中国女性,她为见义勇为的弟弟独闯深圳追凶三千里历经四年艰辛。 2001年12月9日晚,余红燕惟一的弟弟余红亮在其女友徐华兰遭遇流氓调戏时见义勇为惨遭杀害,案发后主凶游文杰外逃,已捕从犯拒不认罪,最关键的目击证人徐华兰却无情地宣布“失踪”,并对当时所发生的一切“看
This is an ordinary Chinese woman who, after a four year hardship chasing after a thunderstorm-only brother in Shenzhen for three years, On the night of December 9, 2001, Yu Hongyan, the only brother of Yu Hongyan, was killed and bravely beaten when his girlfriend, Xu Hualan, encountered rogue dodge. After the incident, the culprit, Wan Wenjie, fleeing and arrested the accomplices who refused to admit their guilt. Xu Hualan, the most crucial witness, ruthlessly declared “Missing” and looking at what happened at the time