硬聚氯乙烯排水管适用于民用建筑内污水排水系统。目前由于对高层建筑、地下埋设等的应用经验尚不足,还需扩大试点。其他材质的塑料排水管,施工时可参照本注意事项。一、管子与管件的检查 1.管子、管件与粘结剂等都应有出厂质量合格证书,其技术性能、材质应符合有关标准规定。 2.进场的管子和管件要进行外观检查,要求内外表面光滑、清洁,无破裂、毛刺、锐楞、沟槽、气泡、分解变色等其他缺陷。并应抽样进行直径、
Unplasticized PVC drainage pipes are suitable for sewage drainage systems in civil buildings. At present, due to lack of experience in the application of high-rise buildings, underground burying, etc., it is necessary to expand pilot projects. For plastic drainage pipes of other materials, refer to this precaution when constructing. First, the tube and pipe inspection 1. Pipe, pipe fittings and adhesives, etc. should have a factory quality certificate, its technical performance, material should comply with relevant standards. 2. Pipes and fittings entering the site are to be visually inspected. The internal and external surfaces are required to be smooth, clean, free from cracks, burrs, sharp defects, grooves, bubbles, decomposition, discoloration, and other defects. And should be sampled for diameter,