地榆为中医临床常用凉血止血药.对其有机成分及药理作用已有研究报道.为了解地榆制炭后微量元素的变化,我们对地榆及其不同程度炭制品进行了微量元素含量分析,结果报道如下. 一、材料及仪器材料地榆购自淄博市药材公司,当地产同一批地榆饮片.经鉴定为蔷微科植物地榆Sanguisorba officinalis L.的干燥根及根茎.
The Chinese wolfberry is commonly used in traditional Chinese medicine for cooling blood to stop hemostats. Its organic components and pharmacological effects have been reported. In order to understand the changes of trace elements after charcoal production from charcoal, we have carried out the trace element content of mantle and its different degrees of carbon products. Analysis, the results reported as follows. First, materials and equipment materials were purchased from Zibo City medicinal herbs company, the local production of the same batch of ground quail-debris tablets. Was identified as the micro-plants of Sanguisorba officinalis L. dry roots and rhizomes.