品种来源 原名吕旱1375。由山西省农科院经济作物研究所以88张386作母本,88张416作父本杂交选育而成。2000年3月经山西省农作物品审委三届五次会议审定通过。特征特性 幼苗半匍匐,叶色深绿。株高85~98cm。叶片上冲,旗叶细长。穗长方形,无芒。护颖卵形,白壳,白粒,硬质,子粒
Origin of the original source of species drought 1375. Shanxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Institute of Economic Crops by 88 386 as the female parent, 88 416 father parent hybrid breeding. March 2000 by the Shanxi Provincial Crops Audit Committee examined and approved the Third Session of the Third. Characteristics of seedlings semi-prostrate, dark green leaves. Plant height 85 ~ 98cm. The leaves on the red flag leaf slender. Spike rectangular, no Mans. Ying Ying oval, white shell, white, hard, grain