46岁那年我得了晚期肺癌。我被告知生命不会超过两年。确实,我“病危”了3次,家中已给我准备了后事。经过多次抢救,靠输冻干血浆、白蛋白及氨基酸度日……10年过去了,我还活着,侥幸地说是第二次获得了生命。许多人见了我都感到惊奇,有人还以为我没病呢! 我是怎样战胜这晚期肺癌的呢?以下归纳的几方面,是我的健身祛病之道。 1.首先是自己安心,不害怕,不背包袱。忧心忡忡非但是自寻麻烦,还会加重病情。只有不向命运低头,才能增加抵抗力,战胜疾病。2.因不能手术,得知化疗可控制癌细胞的转移,故及时进行了化疗。但化疗副作用很大,3天后便出现头发一束一束脱掉,头晕咽痛,指端酸麻,肚子难受等症状。
At the age of 46 I had advanced lung cancer. I was told that life will not exceed two years. Indeed, I was “critically ill” three times and I was prepared for the incident at home. After many rescues, I relied on lyophilized plasma, albumin, and amino acids. The 10th year passed. I was still alive and I was lucky enough to say that it was the second time I had my life. Many people were amazed to see me. Some people still thought I was not sick! How did I overcome this advanced stage of lung cancer? Several aspects summarized below are my ways of fitness. 1. First of all, be at ease with yourself. Do not be afraid or backpack. Worries are not just asking for trouble, but also aggravating illness. Only by not bowing to fate can we increase resistance and overcome disease. 2. Because of the inability to operate, it is known that chemotherapy can control the metastasis of cancer cells. Therefore, chemotherapy is performed in time. However, the side effects of chemotherapy are very large. After 3 days, a bunch of hair is removed, dizziness, sore throat, numbness and discomfort.