本文提出一种按下述情况研究的各环境因素对导弹零部件影响的方法: (1)研究工作前各种环境因素的影响。 (2)当环境试验设施足够完善时可以同时进行各种工作环境的模拟研究,得到各种环境下的影响。 (3)当(1)、(2)两种条件同时具备时,对这两种情况进行综合研究。文中应用审查寿命试验(censored life testing)和统计试验设计方法研究试件在环境空间中的性能特征图象。用图示的响应面给出研究结果。
This paper presents a method to study the impact of various environmental factors on missile components according to the following situations: (1) Studying the influence of various environmental factors before work. (2) Simulations of various working environments can be carried out at the same time when the environmental test facilities are sufficiently complete, and the influence of various environments is obtained. (3) When both of (1) and (2) are available at the same time, a comprehensive study of these two situations is conducted. In this paper, censored life testing and statistical experimental design methods are used to study the image of performance characteristics in environmental space. The results of the study are given using the graphic response surface.