1 实验目的 通过观察甲状腺激素对蝌蚪发育过程造成的异常变化,来说明甲状腺激素对蝌蚪发育的影响。2 实验器材 受精蛙卵,面包(或菠菜),水生绿色植物,水蚤,玻璃瓶(三个),池水,小刀,量杯,天平,研钵,捞鱼小网,甲状腺素药片。
1 Purpose of the experiment To demonstrate the effect of thyroid hormones on the development of pupae by observing the abnormal changes in the development of pupal thyroid hormones. 2 Experimental equipment Fertilized frog eggs, bread (or spinach), aquatic green plants, leeches, glass bottles (three), pool water, knives, measuring cups, scales, mortars, fish nets, thyroid tablets.