可持续发展是辽宁老工业基地调整和改造必须始终遵循的重要指导方针。可持续发展的定义是,在满足当代人需要的同时,不损害后代人满足其自身需要的能力。按照可持续发展的一般要求和温家宝总理视察辽宁时提出的经济与社会、城市与农村、人与自然的“三个协调”思想,辽宁老工业基地振兴必须体现与可持续发展的统一。 一、工业化发展与环境代价 新中国成立伊始,辽宁即开始了工业化进程。在全国的大力支持下,最早建成了国家最大的重化工业基地。但以资源采掘和资源依赖为特征的传统工业方式,给辽宁的社会和自然环境也造成了相当破坏。上世纪70年代和80年代的相当长时
Sustainable development is an important guideline that must always be followed in the adjustment and transformation of Liaoning’s old industrial bases. Sustainable development is defined as meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. In accordance with the general requirements of sustainable development and the “three coordinated” ideas of economy and society, cities and rural areas, people and nature put forward by Premier Wen Jiabao when he inspected Liaoning, the rejuvenation of Liaoning’s old industrial bases must reflect the unification with sustainable development. First, the industrialization of development and environmental costs At the beginning of the founding of new China, Liaoning began the process of industrialization. With the strong support from all over the country, the nation’s largest heavy chemical industry base was first built. However, the traditional industrial methods characterized by resource extraction and resource dependence have also caused considerable damage to Liaoning’s social and natural environment. The 1970s and 1980s have been quite long