上海市南电力(集团)有限公司成立于2002年,系国网上海市电力公司管理的集体企业,注册资本5.1亿元,是按现代企业制度组建的具有独立法人资格的企业。公司具备上海市建筑业企业电力工程施工总承包二级资质、国家能源局二级承装(修、试)电力设施许可证资格,通过质量管理体系、环境管理体系、职业健康安全管理体系“四标三体”认证,可承接220k V及以下送电线路及相同电压等级的变电站整体总包工
Founded in 2002, Shanghai Southern Power (Group) Co., Ltd. is a collective enterprise managed by Shanghai Electric Power Company with a registered capital of 510 million yuan. It is an enterprise with independent legal personality set up in accordance with the modern enterprise system. The company possesses two qualifications of construction engineering contracting for construction enterprises in Shanghai, the qualification of second-class power plant (repair and test) power facilities license of National Energy Administration, the quality management system, environmental management system, occupational health and safety management system, Four standard three body "certification, can undertake 220k V and below the transmission line and the same voltage level substation overall overall contracting