资本主义国家不断地扩充自己的军事实力。近五年来北大西洋公约集团成员国的军费开支增加几乎0.5倍,目前已超过1500亿美元。资本主义国家的军事领导集团非常重视海军的发展,其中包括各舰队的舰艇组成。表1所列为1977年1月1日前主要资本主义国家海军舰艇的组成情况,表2为这些国家建造的战斗舰艇和辅助船只的初步统计数字,这些舰艇和辅助船只不仅用于本国海军,同时也售予其附庸国和发展中国家。表1 主要资本主义国家海军舰艇组成表(至1977年1月1日止) (分子表示海军的舰船总数,包括预备役、修理和改装的舰只数量; 分母表示在建或计划建造的船只数量)
Capitalist countries continue to expand their military capabilities. Over the past five years, North Atlantic Treaty Organization members of the military spending increased by almost 0.5 times, now has more than 150 billion US dollars. The military leadership groups in capitalist countries attach great importance to the development of the navy, including the composition of the fleet’s ships. Table 1 shows the composition of the naval vessels of the major capitalist countries before January 1, 1977, and Table 2 shows preliminary statistics on combat and auxiliary vessels built by these countries, not only for their own navy but also for their own navy It is also sold to its vassal and developing countries. Table 1 List of Major Naval Vessels of the Capitalist Countries (As of January 1, 1977) (The numerator indicates the total number of naval vessels, including the number of reservists, the number of vessels repaired and modified; the denominator indicates the number of vessels under construction or planned)