2006年秋,从辽宁省经济林研究所引入平欧杂种榛‘玉坠’,栽植于山西省农业科学院果树研究所榛子试验园。经10余年的试验观察,该品种在当地表现良好,坚果椭圆形,平均单果重2.0 g,最大单果重2.7 g,红褐色,果面光洁,果壳极薄,果壳厚1.00 mm,出仁率高达50%,果仁饱满,果仁呈白色,味香甜,品质上乘;早果、丰产,栽植第2年少量开花坐果,第7年达初盛果期,第8~9年达盛果期,每667 m2产量在190 kg以上;果实8月下旬成熟,抗寒、抗旱性强,生长势较强,适宜当地推广发展。
The autumn of 2006, from Liaoning Province Institute of Economic Research into Pingou hybrid hazel ’jade pendant’, planted in Shanxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences Institute of fruit hazelnut test garden. After more than 10 years of trial observation, the variety performed well in the local area with an oval-shaped nut with an average fruit weight of 2.0 g and a maximum fruit weight of 2.7 g. The reddish brown fruit surface was smooth and the husk was very thin with a shell thickness of 1.00 mm. The rate is as high as 50%, the kernel is full, the kernel is white, the flavor is sweet and the quality is good; the early fruit and high yield are planted in the second year, Period, the yield per 667 m2 in more than 190 kg; fruit mature in late August, cold, drought resistance, strong growth potential, suitable for local promotion and development.