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绘本阅读是低年级学生阅读的必备阶段,绘本以其丰富的想象,让学生徜徉在现实与理想之间,以其诗意的笔触展现文字所无法企及的意境和神韵。在绘本阅读中,进行艺术和审美的体验,对培养学生丰富的想象力、敏锐的观察力具有举足轻重的作用。一、拓宽视阈,享受绘本阅读之美1.阅读图画,享受绘本绘画之美对于绘本,图画是其中的重要内容。优秀的绘本图书,每一幅画都彰显着独特的意蕴和价值,图画构建的故事,契 Picture book reading is an essential stage for students of lower grades to read. With its rich imagination, picture books allow students to wander between the reality and the ideal, with their poetic brush strokes to show the unimaginable artistic conception and charm of the text. In the picture book reading, artistic and aesthetic experience, to develop students rich imagination, keen observation has a pivotal role. First, broaden the horizon, enjoy the beauty of picture book reading 1. Read the picture, enjoy the beauty of picture book painting For the picture book, the picture is one of the important content. Excellent picture books, each painting reveals a unique meaning and value, the story of the construction of the drawings, contract