This study has been published in Japanese and Chinese and has been used by Japanese learners in elementary Japanese as a textbook, “Conversation of Nature” and “Contribution of Conversation” to Chinese learners. Japanese textbooks due to less や not very Na と こ ro を あ き ら ka に す る も の で の あ る. Analysis of the results, “the conversation of nature”, “the amount of practice problems,” the amount of “Lisi Ni ng practice volume Note さ れ て い る textbook” Primary Japanese げ ん き Ⅰ “and” み ん な の Japanese primary I this book で あ ru of ko and mo Ming ら か に し ta party, Chinese textbooks は grammar commentary part of a large number of な を so that wa れ, very に force を か れ ru.さ ら に, the conversation of the natural さ と practice の part は あ ま ri attention さ れ な く, ignoring さ れ る こ と が 特 徴 に 现 れ ta.