1993年全国人大常委会制定了《教师法》 ,对教师的权利义务、资格和任用、培养和培训、考核、待遇、奖励、法律责任等作了全面规定。然而从实施情况看 ,该法设计的救济手段越来越成为教师权益得到有效救济的“瓶颈”。本文抒点滴认识以求教。一、从立法比较角度看《教师法》设
In 1993, the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress formulated the Teacher’s Law, which provides comprehensive stipulations on teachers’ rights and obligations, qualification and appointment, training and training, assessment, treatment, awards and legal responsibilities. However, from the perspective of implementation, the remedies designed by the Act have increasingly become the “bottleneck” of effective remedies for teachers’ rights and interests. This article to express knowledge to seek knowledge. First, from the legislative perspective of comparison “Teacher Law” set