石灰石矿浆磨蚀性很强,很快就可磨蚀透钢、玻璃纤维以及其它传统的矿浆输送管道,有时只需3个月。Central Illiois Light公司于二年多以前,在石灰石厂的一部分矿浆输送系统试装了固态聚氨酯管道。至今,管道仅有微小的磨损迹象。在其它矿浆输送系统也安装了这种管道之后,获得了成功,达到了同样结果。采用聚氨酯管道的输送系统,其维修费用大大降低。这主要是因为这种管道材料具有耐磨蚀与耐腐蚀特性。
Limestone pulp is highly abrasive and can quickly wear through steel, fiberglass and other conventional slurry pipes, sometimes in just three months. More than two years ago, Central Illiois Light installed a solid polyurethane tubing on a portion of its slurry delivery system at the limestone mill. To date, the pipe shows only slight signs of wear. The same result has been achieved with the success of this type of pipe installed in other slurry delivery systems. Transmission system using polyurethane pipe, the maintenance costs greatly reduced. This is mainly because of this pipe material has erosion and corrosion resistance.