苞米地里,玲儿不小心把锄碰到了脚面,殷红的血直流。 “哎!快去卫生院吧,别感染。”婆婆皱着眉头叫媳妇玲儿。 回到家里,弄块白布包上,玲儿一瘸一拐地踅出了门。走到小河边处,她后悔了。那伤痛的脚是不能沾水的。她怔怔地望着河水,不知如何是好。 去年同男人一道赶集,也是碰上河水漫涨,她正要淌过去,男人三下五除二脱了自己的鞋,背着她下
Corn field, Lin accidentally hit the hoe hoe, bright red blood DC. “Ah! Go to the hospital right away, do not get infected. ” Her mother frowning called daughter-in-law Lin children. Back home, get a piece of white cloth, Linger limp out of the door. Walked to the river, she regretted. The painful foot can not be touched by water. She stared at the river, I do not know how to be good. Last year with a man to go market, but also run into the river soared, she was about to drip, the man three times five except two off his shoes, carrying her under